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Happenings and such

McCarthy Trenching - Single Ladies

A while back McCarthy Trenching recorded a cover of Beyonce's "Singles Ladies." McCarthy Trenching's record label, Team Love (an independent record label founded by Conor Oberst (of Bright Eyes) and Nate Krenkel), uploaded the track through their library to download for free. There was no album artwork included, so I created my own version that parodied Beyonce's.

I sent the artwork to Team Love and received responses from Becca and Matt from Team Love and Dan McCarthy himself:

This is amazing! I'll share with Dan of McCarthy Trenching; I'm sure he'll love it. Becca
Well done Kevin. that rules. can we use that if Dan likes it? Matt
The good folks at Team Love forwarded your artwork for the McCarthy Trenching cover of Single Ladies. It's brilliant. Thanks. Dan

I'm glad Team Love enjoyed it and I sure hope they use it for something!